Hope in Christ

I've been mulling over my personal feelings about this pandemic for over a month. I've read the news, talked with family, watched what my friends had to say and prayed.

Although we're used to hearing of distress abroad  and know that life has ups and downs. In our lifetime we have not experienced this widespread loss so close to home. This morning I read that 10 million people have filed for unemployment. That number made my heart feel so heavy. I can't imagine the pain that people are experiencing as they wonder how they will pick back up and provide for their family. On top of that at least 1 million people have contracted the virus and 56,767 have lost their life to it worldwide as of today. 265,001 cases and 6,766 deaths in the United States.

Is this a tragedy? Yes. Have things like this happened before? Yes. However, this is a first in our lifetime so we need to work together to get through it.

Last Sunday we participated in a worldwide fast. We prayed that God would inspire our leaders, help those who are suffering, and strengthen us through this time. I believe in a God of miracles. I also believe in a God who works through each of us to perform miracles.

Faith is hope. And it is a principl of action. I cannot hope or have faith that people's suffering will end, but have no part in delivering a solution.

So what can we do?

1. Stay home. The sentiment has circled around the internet. Sacrificing our social life for the time being is a small price to pay for the life of others.
2. Donate money. I recognize that not everyone has the means to give money right now. But some of us do and it is our responsibility and obligation to help our community; local and global. Whether you can directly hand money to someone or donate to a charity; finances are one of the most helpful things for people right now. 
3. Use your talents. Many hospitals are in need of masks. Many people have been sewing homemade masks. If that is something you're capable of, research where you can donate locally as well as the requirements.
4. Share goodness. My spirits have been lifted recently by seeing positive posts online. There aren't rules. Share whatever is uplifting, good, or praiseworthy with others during this time. 

I'm sure you've thought of other ways that you can be a part of the solution right now. Use this time to slow down reflect and be grateful for the wonderful people and blessings around us. 

The next two weekends are very special.

In my faith we have looked forward to this coming Saturday and Sunday for the last six months. We believe in current revelation. We believe that God just as in the Bible had prophets to lead his people, we believe that he continues to lead and guide the world today. Every 6 months we have a general conference where leaders of the church and members of the church throughout the world gather together to hear and listen to messages of hope and guidance from the Prophet and Apostles. Last conference the Prophet announced that this conference would be different from any previous conference. With a widespread pandemic keeping everyone separated the conference has not been canceled but will be held online throughout the world. Thus far it is already obvious that the conference will be different than any ever before. 

As we have prepared for it I've noticed an interesting blessing. The world has quieted and allowed us to be ready without distractions to hear the Lord's message. Are we ready to listen?

Here is a portion of what the Prophet Russel M. Nelson said during last conference.

"Thus, the year 2020 will be designated as a bicentennial year. General conference next April will be different from any previous conference. In the next six months, I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel.

Meanwhile, please be assured that revelation continues in the Church and will continue under the Lord’s direction until “the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”


For anyone who is looking for messages of hope and guidance from God during this time I recommend that while you're sitting at home you tune in to listen.

You can stream it at https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=eng

The following Sunday is Easter Sunday. Christians everywhere share this holiday to remember the resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ. We will all be at home with our families. We should use this Easter more than ever to strengthen our families and strengthen our faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. 


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