Styled Toddler Birthday Party On A Budget : Where To Splurge And Where To Save!
Birthdays are magical moments for kids. Between balloons, presents, extra attention, and cake special memories are formed. They're also magical for moms! You get an excuse to decorate, spoil your kid, and watch them beam with joy! As for the dad's, they're probably just checking their wallet, but when it all comes together even they can't deny your child's excitement was worth it! During the prep phase. The B-word gets brought up again and again. Budget! So how do you create a party that looks a million bucks, but is budget friendly? ✓ Have a game plan ✓ Get creative ✓Find Deals ✓ Use what you have ✓ DIY ✓Splurge on the right things Have a game plan: First you need to have a general idea of the budget for your party. Once you've got a budget in mind it's time to settle on a theme. To keep you on track for the theme and prevent you from buying unnecessary things I recommend creating a mood board. For details and tips on creating a mood board he...