Banana Raspberry perfection

I have a huge sweet tooth and I also love to create in the kitchen, but lately (as in I started a few days ago) I've been trying really hard to avoid added sugars. So this morning in the kitchen I experimented and came up with the perfect smoothie for my fellow sweet tooth friends. I get that there's tons of sugar in fruit, but it beats brownies so I'm counting it as a win. So here we go.

 2 frozen bananas
1 1/2 handfuls of raspberries 
Add water until you reach desired consistency
Once you've blended your smoothie you can stop and enjoy or keep adding. This really makes a great base smoothie.
I added a handful of spinach, a spoonful of chia seeds, and a spoonful of flaxseed when I ate it for breakfast. You could also add yogurt, kale, or broccoli. Eat it with just the two ingredients or keep adding to your hearts content either way let me know how you like it in the comments below. Happy Blending.
