Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
If you are in North San Jose you need to visit this beautiful sanctuary of wildlife. To get this stunning sunset view take the Mallard Slough Trail. The 3rd dock you come across on the left will lead you right to this spot. The trails are open from sunrise to an hour after sunset, but the main parking lot has varying hours and during the shelter in place has remained closed.
If you're looking for a secluded dock keep an eye out for this. You might miss it if you're not looking. Heading down the Mallard Slough Trail you can find this pretty easily
You will see so many bird species. That is one of the truly special things about the reserves in the area. They will fly around you as they travel between the salt ponds.
Don't miss a great photo op on the main trail.
Come here in early spring to see blooming flowers, high water levels, and nesting birds. If you come between October through March be on the lookout for migrating Monarch Butterflies in the Butterfly Garden.
The railroad is a crossroads of sorts. Head left on the trail ahead and you'll soon find yourself at Alviso Marine County Park. Head right and you've got another few miles of loop ahead of you before you make it to Alviso. Either way the views are beautiful.
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